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Business Overview

Vapor liquefaction system

  1. Business Overview
  2. Vapor liquefaction system

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What is vapor?

It is the VOC(Volatile Organic Compound) generated in petroleum product release facilities, gas station storage facilities(Stage I), and gas stations(Stage II) refueling the vehicles, and contains carcinogenic substances that cause serious damage to central nervous system, skin, mucous membrane, respiratory system, heart, circulatory system, kidneys, and liver.

Problem of vapor

  • Hazard to human body

    Symptoms in nervous system, irritation of respiratory organs, etc.

  • Effect of odorous matters and greenhouse gas, etc.
  • Generation of ozone by photochemical reaction

    Generation of ozone from the reaction with nitrogen oxide(Nox) in the air

What is the vapor recovery and liquefaction system? (Stage3)

The system that liquefies the vapor, recovered through the recovery pipes in the Stage 1 storage facility and Stage 2 refueling facility, into gasoline