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Hello? We are GECO Co., Ltd.
I extend my sincere welcome to you all who visit GECO.

GECO is a company pursuing eco-friendly model that recovers the vapor, using the system installed in all places generating the vapor, such as gas stations, oil storage facilities, chemical plants, etc., and converts the recovered vapor into gasoline.

With our patented technology that was developed to recover the vapor, namely, the VOCs(Volatile Organic Compounds), and liquefy the recovered vapor, we anticipate revenue to be generated from efficient recycling of resources through innovative processes. The vapor recovery and liquefaction system, developed by GECO, definitely provides the most fundamental solution to the issues of energy recycling and environmental problems that our Planet is facing.

It is the most innovative product resolving the environmental and health hazards and enabling the recycling of oil resources, and GECO will be transformed into an eco-friendly company that increases national energy efficiency, reduces carbon emissions, conserves the nature, and saves the Earth.

CEOJin Jung-Seop